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In response to an article issued by the news agency Reuters at 16 h 23 GMT today, which indicated that the Antwerp public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation into possible illegal actions by its Belgian subsidiary, JCDecaux would like to confirm the following.

JCDecaux has held street furniture concessions in Antwerp since 1978 through a contract with the city of Antwerp’s public transport company for the provision of bus shelters.

Since 1991, the Company has held four street furniture contracts with the City of Antwerp. All of these contracts meet the necessary legal and regulatory requirements and were awarded by officials of the College of Bourgmestre et Echevins and had the approval of the City Council.

In 2002, JCDecaux generated € 27.4 million of revenues in Street Furniture in Belgium, representing 1.7 % of Group revenues.

While it is Company policy not to comment on legal proceedings, it reserves the right to react to accusations made in the media.

Jean-Charles Decaux, Chairman of the Executive Board and co-CEO of JCDecaux, said: “I would like to confirm that all of our contracts with the City of Antwerp are legal. I deny the allegations made against our Belgian subsidiary and I am concerned by the linking of our contracts with the City of Antwerp and any legal investigation. However, we will clearly make ourselves available to the legal authorities to whom we will provide any information, if necessary.”


Communication Department :Albert Asséraf+33 1 30 79 37
Investor Relations :Rémi Grisard+33 1 30 79 79