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Our commitment to sustainable development

The Group's commitment to sustainable development underpins an approach of continuous improvement, in which initiatives are continued and intensified from year to year.

JCDecaux’s Sustainable Development Strategy and annual reports are available here:

JCDecaux established a content index table in accordance with the GRI G4 core criteria approach. This index presents the concordance between GRI G4 indicators and JCDecaux’s extra-financial information. It is available in the 2023 Universal Registration Document.
JCDecaux's commitment and performance are reviewed by extra-financial rating agencies as well as by fund managers and analysts specialising in Socially Responsible Investment.

Our commitment, transparency and results recognized by extra-financial rating agencies

JCDecaux responds and actively engages with five well-known and established extra-financial rating agencies. They are experts in their fields and constantly challenge us on making further progress, and integrating more deeply sustainability into everyday business. We are proud to be part of their indexes and rankings :

logo cdp logo ecovadis logo msci logo ftse4good logo Sustainalytics
Score in 2023: A List Score in 2023: 76/100 Score in 2023: AAA Score in 2023: 3.4/5 Score in 2023: 13.7

JCDecaux has declared its performance to the CDP since 2011. In 2023, JCDecaux was included in the A list and is one of the 17% of companies that have achieved “Leadership” level in the Web Services & Marketing category.

The Group responded to the EcoVadis questionnaire for the fourth consecutive year. In 2023, the Group was ranked Gold with an overall score of 76/100, placing it in the top 5% of companies assessed.

Listed since 2013 by MSCI, JCDecaux obtained an AAA rating in 2023 and was ranked among the best companies in the media sector.

JCDecaux has been included in the FTSE4Good index since 2014. In 2023, the Group’s overall performance was 3.4/5, above the average for companies in the Media sector (2.8/5).

In 2023, JCDecaux obtained a rating of 13.7 (low risk). The Group ranked 52nd out of 291 companies assessed in the Media sector.