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  • Through our work to be a responsible employer, we have made a real commitment to supporting the following Sustainable Development Goals:

    Our contribution to the SDG
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Since 1964, JCDecaux’s success and reputation have been based on strong values, in particular the idea that the Group’s employees are essential to its development and success. In 2023, we revealed our new Group Social Policy. The roll-out of this global policy at Group level, based on a common foundation and three main pillars, takes into account the Group's policies and existing local best practices. Victoire PELLEGRIN Director of HR Development at the France Human Resources and International HR Projects Department

Our Group Social Policy

  • JCDecaux Group Social Policy: a common foundation of Human Resources commitments

    Group Social Policy

Guarantee respect for fundamental social values

As 20% of the Group’s full-time employees (FTEs) are located in countries that have not ratified all the Fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organization, the respect for human rights and fundamental values is a major challenge for JCDecaux.

Our objectives

Each countryrespects the Group's fundamental social values (2021-2022 survey)
Each employeehas signed their commitment to respect the International Charter of Fundamental Social Values

Our results

100%of the Group’s countries respect the Group’s fundamental social values
100%of new employees have signed their commitment to respect the International Charter of Fundamental Social Values

Ensure a common framework of fundamental rights for all employees 

Since 2012, we have created a common framework for all our employees, formalised by the International Charter of Fundamental Social Values. This Charter describes the Group's commitment to respecting Human Rights, and reinforces the protection of fundamental social rights, particularly as it relates to Health and Safety, working hours and paid holidays. We condemn all forms of forced labour, child labour, discrimination, harassment or violence in the workplace for all employees, all over the world.

Surveys on the application of this Charter's 17 principles are carried out every two years.


Promote an exemplary Health and Safety culture

As a company that posts advertising displays and supplies street furniture to cities, JCDecaux is a field employer, particularly in urban environments. This is why occupational health and safety is one of our priorities.

Our objective

Reduce by 25%the accident frequency (vs 2019) by 2030

Our result

20,7%reduction rate in accident frequency rate in 2023 (vs 2019)

The Health and Safety policy at JCDecaux

Guaranteeing the health and safety of its employees, operating subcontractors and users is a priority for JCDecaux. We have implemented a Health and Safety Policy which requires each of our subsidiaries to set up a health and safety management system. We believe that Health and Safety is everyone's concern, which is why we promote a proactive, participative culture that encourages every employee to have a positive influence on these key issues. 

To achieve these goals, we are committed to: 

  • Identifying all the health and safety risks in our activities and taking the necessary measures to eliminate or reduce them as much as possible; 
  • Conducting our business in a way that meets or exceeds applicable workplace health and safety regulations
  • Ensuring that we design and install furniture that is safe to use and operate
  • Ensuring that our employees and subcontractors have the necessary knowledge and skills and are appropriately trained and supervised
  • Actively involving our employees and subcontractors in the improvement of health and safety in the workplace and encouraging them to share their ideas and suggestions
  • Enabling employees and subcontractors to stop and report unsafe acts, conditions or working methods
  • Ensuring that all near misses, incidents and risks are reported immediately and making sure they are investigated;
  • Continually questioning our working methods, to provide an ever-safer working environment. 

Our strategy in action

Strengthening everyone's contribution and participation and maintaining a high level of health and safety performance requires the active participation of all our employees. To involve our employees in making their workplace safe and healthy, we recently launched a series of videos entitled "Health and safety in the workplace, we all have a job to do". This series focuses on the role each employee plays in maintaining a safe working environment and highlights the importance of everyone's contribution.

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Installation of furniture in compliance with safety standards

Support employee growth and development

We must be attractive in order to attract new talents and perform as an employer to ensure their retention. To this end, the Group strives not only to create working conditions that are conducive to the fulfilment of each and every one of its employees and the achievement of their goals, but also to enhance its visibility and reputation and make itself desirable on the job market by strengthening its employer brand.

Our objectives

100%of the Group’s countries have an onboarding programme covering the key training courses and values of JCDecaux by 2030
100%of the Group’s countries have a career management system incorporating training topics by 2030
100%of employees completed at least one training course (annual)

Reaffirm our Employer Brand

In France, our Employer Brand strengthens our presence in the job market, making us more attractive to new talent. Our "JCDecaux Together" manifesto highlights the main areas of our policy to attract and retain talent.


We increasingly communicate about the actions deployed internally (ESG actions, training courses, team building, etc.) and promotes the richness of its careers, its business lines and its activities, in particular through the distribution of profiles of JCDecaux employees.


To diversify our recruitment channels, JCDecaux is developing programmatic recruitment in France, in partnership with the specialised platform, Golden Bees. 


The successful integration of new employees is essential. It enables everyone to live their first days better and to be operational faster.


As part of our mission to build a sense of belonging among our people, we use regular internal surveys to enhance the employee experience at JCDecaux.  

Promote wellbeing in the workplace

The wellbeing and satisfaction of every employee is at the heart of our commitment. We work hard  to create an environment where everyone is welcome, feels valued and can meet their goals.


In a changing world, where external events can cause disruption, we are increasing our initiatives that enhance the quality of life in the workplace. This involves a range of local initiatives (flexible working, remote work, social events, etc.), as well as Group-wide initiatives, such as the deployment across all our regions of the "Be Positive - we're all stakeholders in wellbeing in the workplace" training programme, a digital course designed to raise awareness of psychosocial risks.

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Checking furniture for compliance with safety standards

Our training offer

120training courses were available
158,400hours of training (JCDecaux Academy and face-to-face)

Training is also an essential component of employee development and a key factor in the Group's success. To support the digital transformation of the Company and strengthen its operational excellence, a broad range of training courses is made available to employees by the Group and its subsidiaries. Via the dedicated JCDecaux Academy platform that has been rolled out to all our employees, we offer training: 

  • Accessible to the largest number of “connected” employees
  • Adapted to the business needs, the Group’s evolution and its ethical, social, stakeholder and environmental commitments
  • With more innovative, fun and engaging teaching approaches in a context of digital transformation and growth
  • Offering interactive training pathways adapted to the learner’s profile

Career management

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JCDecaux employees

Individualised and transparent career management contributes to employee development. It enables us to anticipate short-term and medium-term needs relating to skills and job types, based on changes in the company and employee career plans.

In 2023, 88% of Group countries conducted annual individual interviews. Our goal is that 100% of countries to have a career management system incorporating training topics by 2030.

Foster diversity and inclusion

The mixing of cultures, languages and any form of diversity is an opportunity for JCDecaux. It is a performance and innovation driver and a requirement to attract and retain talents. Respect for the values of non-discrimination is an integral part of JCDecaux’s International Charter of Fundamental Social Values, in which the Group commits to respecting the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Fundamental Conventions on non-discrimination and compensation equality.

Our objectives

40%of women in JCDecaux’s executive management committees by 2027
100%of connected employees trained in stereotypes and prejudices by the end of 2022

Promote equal opportunities

JCDecaux France signed the Diversity Charter in 2008. We are committed to promoting equal opportunities for women, workers with disabilities, seniors and visible minorities. Through this Charter, we are committed to raise awareness and train employees on the challenges of diversity, to respect and promote the principle of non-discrimination and to communicate and inform on the results of this commitment.

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Gender equality

In April 2022, to guarantee that there is no discrimination against candidates within the Group, we shared a Best Practice Guide with all our subsidiaries which, among other things, encourages the equal treatment of candidates.

We are committed to ensuring the equal treatment of men and women at work in terms of recruitment, pay, training and career progression.

In 2021, we set up a Group-wide plan to increase the representation of women in our governing bodies. This “Gender Balance Plan” acts both on the Company’s culture and on the management of the appointment processes, to improve the representation of women at the highest levels of the Company and to achieve the target of 40% of women on executive management committees by 2027. 

Integrate people with disabilities

We are committed to promoting non-discriminatory access to employment for people with disabilities and to creating conditions that strengthen their recruitment and integration.

We have signed the “Manifesto for the inclusion of disabled people in economic life”, underlining our long-term commitment and support.

To this end, JCDecaux France takes part every year in Duo Days, an initiative set up by the Ministry of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities. The goal? To form pairs with our employee volunteers to introduce a disabled person to a profession and the business world.

Our policy in action

Every year, the Group takes part in Duo Days, an initiative set up by the French Ministry of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities. The goal? To form pairs with our employee volunteers in order to introduce a disabled person to a profession and the business world.

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