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  • Through our work to curb our other environmental impacts, we have made a real commitment to supporting the following Sustainable Development Goals:

    Our contribution to the SDG
Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE - ODD 7 13 - SDG 7 13 - JCDecaux
Our new Climate Strategy, defined at Group level, gives concrete expression to our commitments through an ambitious policy aligned with the Paris Agreement, aimed at achieving Net Zero carbon by 2050. In the course of 2023, JCDecaux has embarked on a Science-Based Targets trajectory (SBTi) (1) . It is through systemic actions and by engaging our entire value chain that we will contribute to global carbon neutrality. Lénaïc PINEAU Group Chief Sustainability and Quality Control Officer

JCDecaux Climate Strategy

To reduce our carbon footprint and address the risks of climate change, we defined a Group-wide Climate Strategy in 2022. For JCDecaux, this means aligning ourselves with the ambitions of the Paris Agreement and achieving Net Zero Carbon by 2050 by committing to a Science-Based Targets (SBTi) trajectory. After having submitted, at the end of 2022, its letter of commitment and having joined the global project “Business Ambition for 1.5°C”, the Group submitted its reduction trajectory to SBTi at the end of 2023 for review and validation. This reduction trajectory will be published as soon as it is validated.

Reducing our carbon emissions is our priority if we are to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2050. We have set ourselves some ambitious goals:

By 2030:

  • Reduce our scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions in absolute value by 60%
  • Reduce our scope 3 carbon emissions in absolute value by 46%


By 2050:

  • Reduce our scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions in absolute value by 90%
  • Reduce our scope 3 carbon emissions in absolute value by 90%


A trajectory aligned with the Paris Agreement and aiming for Net Zero Carbon by 2050

Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE -  net zero carbon trajectory - value chain - JCDecaux

A three-stage process


We measure our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) which consists of converting activity data into CO2 equivalent according to existing international standards (GHG Protocol, financial approach). This measurement covers JCDecaux’s entire value chain (scopes 1, 2 and 3) and relies, as far as possible, on emission factors specific to its business and its furniture.

We want to continuously improve our process to make this measurement more reliable and gradually reduce the monetary emission factors used and the associated levels of uncertainty. All of our measures have been audited and certified by our Independent Third Party.



Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE -  breakdown emissions - co2 - value chain - market based - JCDecaux



Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE -  climate strategy - 2050 - infographic - scopes - JCDecaux

Reduce our operations' carbon emissions 

With the growth in business in more than 80 countries worldwide, JCDecaux has over 800,000 street furniture items in operation and a fleet of more than 5,100 vehicles, which are mainly used for servicing, posting and maintenance rounds and for transporting furniture. Furniture, by its energy consumption, and vehicles, by their fuel consumption, are the main sources of emissions of the Group’s carbon footprint on scopes 1 and 2.

Reduce the electricity consumption of furniture

We work to reduce the energy footprint of our furniture, which accounts for 83% of our annual energy consumption.

Our objective

Abribus - JCDecaux
5%reduction in carbon emissions (location-based) related to the electricity consumption of furniture in absolute value by 2030 (vs 2019)

Our results

Abribus - JCDecaux
35,4%reduction in carbon emissions related to the electricity consumption of furniture in absolute value in 2023 (vs 2019)
Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE - electric installations - electricity - field workers - JCDecaux
Inspection of electrical installations
60%reduction in electricity consumption for lighting, thanks to LED technology, dimming and night-time switch-off

Reduce vehicle carbon emissions

In 2023, vehicle fuel consumption represented more than 12% of our annual energy consumption.

Our objective

Flotte Véhicule - JCDecaux
20%reduction in vehicle emissions in gCO2/km by 2030 (vs 2019)

Our result

Flotte Véhicule - JCDecaux
-5,6%in vehicle emissions in gCO2/km (vs 2019)

To reduce this consumption, JCDecaux has implemented various actions:


  • Selection of zero or low-emission vehicles or more compact vehicles for the renewal of our vehicle fleet
  • Roll out of our eco-driving programme since 2006, for all employees using a company car
  • Optimisation process when installing or operating furniture
26%of our fleet are environmental friendly vehicles
Electric vehicle

Cover our electric consumption with renewable energy

We are pursuing our policy to purchase electricity from renewable sources, in line with our commitment made in 2014.

Our objective

Exploitation Responsable - JCDecaux
100% of electricity consumption covered by renewable electricity (annually)

Our result

100 %of electricity consumption covered by renewable electricity

Reduce emissions throughout our value chain

We also assess our indirect environmental footprint by measuring our emissions on scope 3, which represents 90% (market-based) and 54% (location-based) of JCDecaux’s total GHG emissions, consistent with the GHG protocol.


In order to reduce scope 3 emissions, we have defined the following actions:

  • Promotion of renovated furniture
  • Promotion of furniture made from low-carbon materials
Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE -  refurbished bus stop Foster - emissions - funiture Grenoble - JCDecaux
Refurbished tram shelter in Grenoble, France



70%reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and costs for renovated furniture compared to the installation of new furniture


Commuting and business travel represent 13% of our scope 3 emissions.

To reduce these source of emissions, we have defined the following actions:

  • Reduce the distances travelled (km)


  • Promote alternative modes of transport



Because the urgency of climate change requires us to go further, we are already committed to contributing to the financing of climate change mitigation projects, beyond our value chain. These are rigorously selected and certified by international labels, generating wider benefits for nature and society.

Our policy in action

Since 2021, seven of the Group’s regions have been committed to a voluntary carbon contribution approach: Germany, Australia, Denmark, France, Norway, Portugal and Sweden. Thus, regular investments in solidarity decarbonisation projects have made it possible to avoid or sequester a total of 225 kt CO2 eq beyond the JCDecaux value chain.

JCDecaux France’s portfolio consists of 5 certified projects (low-carbon label, Verra, Gold Standard, UNFCCC, etc.), in the regions where we operate. These projects have been rigorously selected for their quality, their location, their typology in relation to our own challenges and commitments as well as for the associated co-benefits.


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