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  • Through our work to curb our other environmental impacts, we have made a real commitment to supporting the following Sustainable Development Goals:

    Our contribution to the SDG
Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE - ODD 6 12 - SDG 6 12 - JCDecaux
Recovery of rainwater, cleaning of water-saving furniture, ecodesign of furniture, use of certified paper and vegetable-based inks for our posters, PVC billboard fabrics, recycling of our waste, etc. Our desire to limit our impact on the environment is present at all stages of our value chain. Eric Baumann International Operations Director

Make responsible waste management a priority

In 2023, JCDecaux’s activity generated more than 19,232 metric tonnes of waste, including paper and PVC. In view of this volume, waste management is one of the priorities of the Group’s environmental commitment. In particular, we are targeting the recycling of paper and PVC waste, which represent the main types of waste that is sorted.

Our objectives

Composte - JCDecaux
Zero waste landfill by 2035

Our result

Composte - JCDecaux
96%of waste recovered in 2023

Recovering our waste

Paper posters represent 27% of the waste sorted by JCDecaux. The recovery of our waste primarily involves improving our knowledge of waste sorting flows and processes.

While the proportion of PVC canvasses is not significant in terms of the total volume of waste sorted (1.3% of the volume of waste sorted), we are nevertheless committed to reducing the use of PVC for canvasses where possible. We are doing this by using alternative plastics or less polluting materials, as long as they meet our business requirements, such as quality and longevity.

Our policy in action

In July 2023, we announced our partnership with Senfa, a subsidiary of the Chargeurs group, to develop a PVC-free advertising fabric. Since September 2023, this new fabric, named "Pearlflex" and co-developed by JCDecaux and Senfa, has been offered on all Extime JCDecaux Airport advertising sites at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly airports.

French manufacturing, 100% European sourcing, with a weave made from recycled PET yarns and improved end-of-life treatment have enabled the "Pearlflex" fabric to cut its carbon footprint in half.

Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE -  Pearflex canvas - airport - Extime - JCDecaux
Pearlflex canvas displayed in Paris airports

Encourage the circular economy

Our business model has many advantages, notably since it is part of the service economy. We provide street furniture designed to last, which – most of the time – remains our property, which is maintained by JCDecaux teams and may be renovated and reused as part of a new contract.

We therefore promote the possibility and necessity of renovating the furniture at the end of the contract  to extend their duration of use and thus significantly reduces the environmental impact linked to the extraction of raw materials and the manufacture of new furniture. In fact, well-maintained street furniture can be reused several times and last for around 30 years.

Our policy in action

Abribus - JCDecaux
2,333furniture items were exchanged through The Store in 2023

To support this practice, we put in place “The Store”, an online portal available for all the Group’s subsidiaries since 2013. It enables countries to share their stock of reusable furniture (Abribus® bus shelters, self-service bicycles, etc.) and which can be reserved by other subsidiaries that wish to offer renovated furniture to cities, assuming it meets their requirements.

Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE -  Foster bus stop - The Store - JCDecaux
Foster bus shelter in Angers

Encourage responsible water consumption

Although JCDecaux does not use a great deal of water, it is essential at Group level to work towards the careful management of this valuable resource.

Our objectives

Traçabilité - JCDecaux
Since 2022 continue to enhance the water policy and action plans
Eau de pluie - JCDecaux
From 2023implement the water policy

Our water management

By collecting rainwater from our installations and using it to clean our street furniture, improving our maintenance methods, raising our teams' awareness of good practice, adapting the frequency of our maintenance schedule particularly in times of high water stress, we can use water in a sensible way, while still maintaining the quality of our services.

Our policy in action

Rain water has been used to clean our street furniture since our company’s foundation. For over 20 years, our furniture in France has been cleaned using water collected from the roofs of local buildings, reducing our need to call upon the public network.

Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE - rain water cleaning  - JCDecaux
Cleaning furniture with rainwater

Work to protect biodiversity

Thanks to studies by the IPCC, IPBES and SNB, the responsibility of human activities in the erosion of biodiversity and ecosystems is now common knowledge. JCDecaux, as a world leader in the design and maintenance of street furniture, wishes to contribute to the reintegration of nature into the city and thus participate in the preservation and restoration of ecosystems.

Our objectives

Protection de la Biodiversité - Développement Durable - JCDecaux
From 2023construct and roll-out a biodiversity policy and action plans
Deploya Group Policy in 2025

Our approach to protecting biodiversity

Aware of our role as a media outlet in society, we are committed in our new ESG Strategy to building a biodiversity protection policy in France from 2023 and to implementing an associated action plan. This approach is based on eight pillars corresponding to the action plans suggested to companies to commit to biodiversity:

  • Innovate by drawing inspiration from living things: biomimicry, bioinspiration and nature-based solutions
  • Strengthen its local roots by preserving or restoring local ecosystems
  • Anticipate regulations and facilitate the integration of future constraints
  • Give meaning to its activity and respond to the sensitivity of its employees
  • Improve its image through concrete commitments and certifications
  • Secure its supply by promoting sustainable production methods that respect ecosystems
  • Guarantee access to land through a real estate policy that minimizes sminimises land use
  • Access new types of financing linked to biodiversity criteria.

Our policy in action

In Hamburg, we worked with the German Fauna and Flora Foundation to install bus shelters with green roofs, part of our experiment to stimulate biodiversity in the city. The project has been a success, attracting 49 species of bees and wasps including a number that are very rare.  Five new shelters of this type will be installed in the city in the near future.

Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE - green roof - bees - Hamburg - JCDecaux
Bus shelter with green roof in Hamburg, Germany


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