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  • Through our work to conduct business ethically and sustainably, we have made a real commitment to supporting the following Sustainable Development Goals:

    Our contribution to the SDG
Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE -  ODD 8 - 12 - 16 - SDG 8 - 12 - 16 - JCDecaux

Maintain ethical conduct and fight corruption

JCDecaux operates, and has a duty to operate, in a responsible and sustainable manner, in all the markets in which we are located. This commitment applies to our employees, customers and suppliers, local and regional authorities, as well as to our competitors. Our reputation and the trust of our partners (including our investors, customers and suppliers) depend on it.

Bertrand ALLAIN

Group Legal Director

Our objectives

Each new employeehas signed their commitment to respect the Code of Ethics
Each key supplierhas signed the Supplier Code of Conduct

Our results

100%of new employees signed their commitment to respect the Code of Ethics
100%of key suppliers have signed the Supplier Code of Conduct (annual)

Fight corruption

The Group has developed two codes to ensure the ethical conduct of its business and to fight against corruption.

JCDecaux’s Code of Ethics seeks to formalise the rules of business conduct applicable to all Group employees with our customers, grantors and suppliers/service providers.

It highlights three Fundamental Rules of Ethics:

  • The prevention and fight against corruption and undue influence
  • The prohibition of anti-competitive practices
  • The obligation of accuracy and transparency in accounting and financial areas.
Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE -  HR - employees - Brazil

Employees in Brazil

The JCDecaux Supplier Code of Conduct defines the principles that any supplier working with us must respect across all its activities and throughout the world. It is part of the JCDecaux sustainability approach. It sets out JCDecaux’s expectations of its suppliers in terms of IT security, social and ethics, across areas relating to health, safety and hygiene, and the ecological and environmental transition.

Our strategy in action

JCDecaux develops long-term relationships with its suppliers and ensures that employees and suppliers are made aware of the Group's environmental and social challenges across all regions, through the implementation of training courses, support, and annual assessments.

Help our suppliers implement more responsible practices

Suppliers are at the heart of the Group’s quality processes. JCDecaux has chosen to entrust the production of its products and solutions to trusted third parties.

JCDecaux has been working for several years to improve the social and environmental footprint of its value chain by ensuring compliance with the Group’s values and Charters while guaranteeing the strategic objectives set. We have gradually included social and environmental criteria in the selection and assessment of suppliers as well as in the specifications, in particular with a view to collectively achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

Benoît AVRIL

Inventory and Production Director

Our objectives

100%of key suppliers assessed every year
100% of key suppliers have signed the Supplier Code of Conduct
100%of key direct suppliers audited at least every 5 years, at the 2030 horizon

Our results

100%of key suppliers assessed in 2023
100%of key suppliers have signed the Supplier Code of Conduct in 2023
49%of key direct suppliers audited in 2023

Improve the environmental footprint of our key suppliers

We pay particular attention to the relationship we have with each of our suppliers. Our priority is to develop long-term relationships based on trust and to ensure that our suppliers share our values and are committed to Sustainable Development. This approach enables the Group to control risks, strengthen relationships with its suppliers and encourage the sharing of innovation.

Five major actions frame our commitment to support our suppliers in the improvement of their environmental and social footprint:

  • Encourage regional and local sourcing
  • Select our suppliers according to the process established by the Purchasing Department
  • Strengthen our responsible purchasing policy
  • Assess our key suppliers annually
  • Train our buyers
  • Prevent risks related to the supply chain

Ensure that personal data is protected

As part of our business activities, the companies within JCDecaux are required to process personal data. This data concerns people outside the company, in particular third party contacts (customers, service providers, suppliers, lessors, order givers, etc.), and users of self-service bicycle services or job candidates and, in their capacity as an employer, of their employees and other staff members.

We guarantee the privacy and personal data protection of every stakeholder and ensure that they can exercise their rights in accordance with all applicable regulations.

The protection of personal data has become a major issue for companies. In addition to our compliance commitments, we must process this data in an ethical and consistent approach, in a responsible and transparent way in order to respect the rights of individuals and create the trust essential to the proper conduct of our activities.

Delphine TOUBOUL

Data Protection Officer

Our objectives

100%of "connected" European employees follow the GDPR digital training course
100%of European subsidiaries assessed on the management and use of personal data by 2025
By 2030Establish global governance on personal data

Our results

83%of "connected" European employees followed the GDPR digital training course in 2022
100%of European subsidiaries have undergone a first series of audits dedicated to GDPR compliance

Our GDPR policy

  • Dedicated governance: in 2017, the Group set up a "GDPR Steering Committee" which meets regularly to monitor compliance and make decisions regarding new projects which raise issues relating to personal data. This Committee is chaired by the Group Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, who is a member of the Executive Board. In addition, a network of Data Protection Officers/Privacy Managers has been set up in European countries, with the Data Protection Officer appointed for France coordinating this network.
  • Compliance procedures and actions: various policies, procedures and tools have been put in place and are subject to regular review. Any new project that involves the processing of personal data is subject to a prior compliance study, followed by the implementation of the various actions required to ensure compliance. Similarly, contracts that involve the processing of personal data include GDPR clauses and, where applicable, a processing agreement.

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