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They have arrived!

JCDecaux has finally received its first six brand new Renault Kangoo zero emission electric vehicles for Street Furniture operations in London. Located in Brentford, these cars are operated daily and returned for recharging overnight (it takes approximately 8 hours to recharge) To talk tech specs, these one of a kind cars are built with automatic transmissions, can reach a maximum speed of 65 mph and can achieve 120 miles on one single charge if driven with efficiency. These eco-friendly easy-to-drive vehicles release zero emission, are exempt from Congestion Charges and only cost 3p per mile. Mark Cooper, Group Operations Director from JCDecaux, said: “Here at JCDecaux, we have always been industry innovators and have done everything possible to reduce our carbon footprint, and believe that in the major cities where we operate, the transfer of our fleet from fossil fuels to electric is a major step forward in aiding this process even further.” JCDecaux is the first company in the out-of-home advertising business to go green by implementing less polluting cars and is exploring the feasibility of that project in other regions!
    This shared value at JCDecaux is not new. Sustainable development has always been important to this company. Many previous example will show our true desire to help companies communicate responsively and in a greener way. Here is an explicit example of the 2008 Toyota Prius campaign. Capitalizing on the Prius’ new “Solar-Powered Ventilation” concept, the auto giant installed solar panels on the roofs of five bus shelters in downtown Boston, USA.

Published in , about #humanitarian and environmental