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JCDecaux Italy, a subsidiary of the JCDecaux Group, one of the world’s largest outdoor advertising groups, in association with AVIP, Turin’s leading outdoor advertising company, announced today that it has been awarded the street furniture contract for the City of Turin, for a 20-year term. The contract is expected to generate advertising revenues of some euro 170 million. Turin, which has a population of 1 million and is Italy’s fourth largest city, is to host the winter Olympic Games in 2006.

The win represents the largest outdoor advertising tender ever awarded by an Italian city. The contract includes the design and installation of 4,500 new pieces of street furniture and the maintenance of a total of 8,000 pieces such as electronic information displays and interactive kiosks, road signs and a city bike project, which will be financed by 4,650 advertising faces.

This latest Italian contract win follows the win by JCDecaux in December of the Rome subway advertising sales contract, worth euro 56 million over five years.

The Turin tender attracted the interest of key international players including the American company Jolly (Clear Channel), the German company Wall and the Spanish company CEMUSA (part of the FCC Group).

Commenting on the contract, Jean-Charles Decaux, co-Chief Executive of the JCDecaux Group said :

“This latest win in Italy follows our win in December of the Rome subway contract and reflects our position as the world’s largest street furniture advertising company. The win also demonstrates our know-how in terms of design as well as our ability to offer a diverse range of outdoor advertising products. Not only are we providing Turin with new concepts in communication such as the installation of the latest interactive kiosks, but we are also offering bikes for public use.

“This win is an extremely important one in terms of Turin being the first city in Italy to implement such an ambitious street furniture project in a European country which offers huge potential in outdoor advertising”.


Communication Department :Albert Asséraf+33 1 30 79 37
Investor Relations :Rémi Grisard+33 1 30 79 79