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Following the 14 June announcement that it had won advertising concessions in 9 Mexican airports, JCDecaux SA, one of the world's leaders in external communications, won exclusive advertising distribution rights in Macao for a 20 year period in partnership with Nolasco, a local company.

The contract is for the renewal of all of the city's street furniture and includes a first phase during which 240 items of promotional street furniture (bus shelters, columns, information points and rubbish points) will be installed.

JCDecaux Macao, which is to be established for the purposes of this contract, will be responsible for all street furniture maintenance and sales of advertising space for the entire duration of the contract.

Macao (population : 450,000), like Hong Kong, is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China and promises strong growth since its return to Chinese rule in 1999.

Jean-Charles Decaux, co-CEO of the JCDecaux Group said that : " This contract in Macao will allow us to show the Chinese authorities, on their own territory, that our know-how in the field of publicity-financed street furniture is unparalleled.

This is a very important development for us as Macao is the first Chinese city to implement a complete street furniture programme. This will open doors all over a country with very great urban infrastructure needs".


Communication Department :Albert Asséraf+33 1 30 79 37
Investor Relations :Rémi Grisard+33 1 30 79 79