Cyclocity, JCDecaux's bike rental service, has won the 2018 Customer Service of the Year award* in France in the “Individual passenger transport” category for the third consecutive year.
This award recognises the commitment and professionalism of the staff in the company’s Customer Relations department who exemplify Cyclocity and JCDecaux's values of quality, excellence and responsiveness on a daily basis for the benefit of the users of the bike rental schemes in France. Over a 10 week period from May to July 2017, 215 ‘mystery customer’ assignments were carried out via telephone calls, e-mails, website visits and social media.
Cyclocity’s Customer Relations Centre, the first winner to have come top in the “Individual passenger transport” category three years in a row, performed particularly well in the following areas:
- relational skills
- availability management
- quality of responses offered
- human qualities.
Cyclocity's Customer Relations Department was formed in 2005 with the launch of Vélo’v in Lyon, the first self-service bike rental scheme in France. JCDecaux took the strategic decision to handle its customer service operations 100% in-house, to base the department in France, to invest in these operations and thereby to put its staff at the forefront of a constantly evolving business. Since 2007 its activities have been mainly dedicated to Vélib’. Open seven days a week, the department handles over 600,000 contacts a year.
Jean-Charles Decaux, Co-Chief Executive Officer of JCDecaux, said: “We are very pleased that Cyclocity’s Customer Relations Department has been recognised again this year for the high quality of the work of its employees.
With over 627 million journeys made since launch, the success of JCDecaux's self-service bikes, both in France and around the world, can be attributed to the commitment of the Group's teams, who strive daily to rigorously maintain all of the systems in operation and foster a close relationship with users.
I would like to extend my congratulations to Cyclocity’s Customer Relations teams, who help to create a unique experience for users of JCDecaux’s self-service bikes. I am thinking in particular of all the work that has gone into supporting Vélib’ users over the last 10 years, and would like to thank the teams for their unfailing commitment until this contract ends on 31 December 2017.”