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April to June 2015

Press releases
Press releases

Number of shares and voting rights - 05.31.2015 (French only)

Voting rights
Press releases

Share buy-back (OPAS) - Draft Offer Document

Other regulated information
Press releases
Press releases

Financial report - Q1 2015 Business review

Financial reports

Financial release - Q1 2015 Quarterly trading update

Financial releases

Number of shares and voting rights - 04.30.2015 (French only)

Voting rights
Press releases

Fees of the statutory auditors 2015 (French only)

Other regulated information

Information concerning the availability of all the explanatory documentation to the Combined General Meeting to be held on May 13, 2015

Other regulated information

Publication of the 2014 Registration Document

Other regulated information
Press releases

January to March 2015

Number of shares and voting rights - 03.31.2015 (French only)

Voting rights
Press releases

Number of shares and voting rights - 03.25.2015 (French only)

Voting rights

Déclaration de franchissement de seuil du 17 mars 2015 (French only)

Other regulated information

Financial presentation - Full-Year 2014 Results

Financial presentations