Q1 2025 Revenues - JCDecaux
Revenues will be published post market.
In view of the current Covid-19 pandemic in France and around the world and in compliance with the emergency measures taken by the government, JCDecaux's Executive Board has decided to hold its Annual General Meeting convened on May 20, 2021 at 2:30 pm without the physical presence of shareholders.
To enable you to participate in this Shareholders’ Meeting under the best possible conditions, the Shareholders’ Meeting was transmitted live and is now available on deferred coverage for 2 years on this page.
In accordance with Decree 2020-1614, the Executive Board of JCDecaux SA has decided to appoint the following shareholders as scrutineers:
The Shareholders' Meeting was chaired by Mr. Gérard Degonse, Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
Shareholders had the possibility to vote before the meeting, either by post with the paper voting form, or online on the secured voting platform VOTACCESS.
Click here to listen to the replay of the webcast, which will be available for 2 years.
The PDF version of the presentation is available below.