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Mobilities in 2022 was highly impacted by the prevention measures for the Covid pandemic. But how heavily? For how long? Using BlueZoo sensors, JCDecaux Hong-Kong Cityscape was able to precisely monitor the Covid’s impact on footfall.


In 2021, the overall visitor arrivals to Hong Kong dropped by 97%. How was this impacting the local mobilities and the visibility of outdoor advertisement? To give full transparency to its clients, JCDecaux Cityscape undertook to precisely quantify the impact of the Covid regulations on street footfall.  

Tram shelter in Hong Kong


JCDecaux CityScape has been using BlueZoo sensors since 2018. This highly reliable solution, running 365 days per year, measures traffic in total compliancy with local laws and regulations on personal data privacy. The sensors capture all footfall in a detection zone calibrated according to the size of the advertisement, allowing JCDecaux to accurately calculate impressions (ie. realistic opportunities to see the advertisement).

Bluezoo logo


Thanks to the sensors, JCDecaux Cityscape followed daily the impact of the restrictions on street footfall. Cityscape was thus able to observe and quantify the return of the audiences when the prevention measures were lifted.

The solution helped to demonstrate the recovery with hard figures, as the sensors showed that not only the audiences went back to the street, but with a significant uptick.

More info about BlueZoo.

Published in For brands