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On 20 September Avenir revealed to the market its new concepts and products for 2001.

  • Next year's offer confirms the direction taken a year ago by the company which involves the desire for each product to respond precisely to an identified advertising problem and which therefore guarantees optimum performance in one of the following three areas:
  • - Quality
  • - Audience
  • - Territorial Logic

The three ranges proposed for next year demonstrate this commitment using nationally-oriented products or those marketed town by town:

Prestige Range, whose networks offer a high profile and visibility due to a rigorous selection of locations (100% solo, first position, 100% lit), positioned along high-audience routes and in the heart of towns and cities.

Audience Range, guaranteeing maximum advertising pressure over 7 campaign days. The networks in this range are actually constructed using the advertising audience measurement of Affimétrie. *

Territoire Range, which presents an offer adapted to specific territories - Residential Territory, Mass-Market Territory, Professional Territory and Medium-Sized Town Territory - thanks to the geomarketing expertise of Avenir.

The leaders of Avenir: The leading networks of Avenir have again this year been reinforced in order to be even more effective.

- RAVIR, with 2 500 faces (i.e. 240 more than last year) in urban areas with over 100 000 inhabitants, including 170 in Paris and a GRP of 680.

- EMPIR, which next year proposes a guaranteed GRP of 1 500, with 5 000 faces and a presence in urban areas with over 85 000 inhabitants and over 300 faces in Paris and its suburbs.

- PRIVILEGE, leading prestige local network, 100% lit, which will be divided in 2001 into two specific products which are similar in format: the Privilège 12 (12 m² format) and the Privilège 8 (8 m² vitrines or scrolling posters). *for urban areas with 100 000 inhabitants and over.

Avenir is innovating again this year: given its constant desire to increasingly satisfy its clients, Avenir is launching 4 new products:

- CHRONO (Prestige Range), \"The right message at the right time\": this new product composed solely of vitrines offers the advertiser the opportunity to choose the advertising message to be displayed on a specific date or at a specific time. This is possible due to the ability to include two posters in the same advertising unit. CHRONO therefore allows a time-based dual campaign. This network composed of 340 faces is situated in the centres of urban areas with over 500 000 inhabitants, including 100 in Paris.

- AGIR (Audience Range), premier national audience network designed to reach active and extremely mobile people in particular, a favoured target of advertisers as they are very dynamic and alert to the media. AGIR is composed of 2 800 faces, including 150 in Paris, in urban areas with over 100 000 inhabitants and guarantees a GRP of 1 600 among active people.

- CAP (Audience Range), premier network marketed town by town guaranteeing a minimum audience share of 4% in each urban area. CAP is located in 43 urban areas with over 100 000 inhabitants.

- AGGLOTYP (Territoire Range), whose construction logic corresponds to the main economic activity of the urban area. Therefore, five types of area are proposed such as: Technotyp, networks covering urban areas with high population growth, a high concentration of professionals and dense university and tertiary activities. AGGLOTYP covers 158 urban areas with less than 100 000 inhabitants. According to Jean-Charles Decaux: "Thanks to its voluntarist sales policy, Avenir is always looking for innovative concepts while trying to harmonise advertising and the environment, as evidenced this year by the establishment of its new advertising space, Vitrines"


Communication Department :Albert Asséraf+33 1 30 79 37
Investor Relations :Rémi Grisard+33 1 30 79 79