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Paris, July 26, 2007 – JCDecaux SA, the No.2 outdoor advertising company worldwide and No.1 for self-service bicycle hire, announces that within the framework of Vélib’, its self-service bicycle hire system launched in Paris on July 15 by its subsidiary Somupi – a company jointly owned by JCDecaux (66%) and Médias et Régies Europe – Publicis Group (34%) – users can now enjoy access to Vélib’ mobile services via their telephones.

  • Thanks to the global positioning system used by the mobile phone operators and to individual customisation, the Mobile Vélib' website provides users with information about the status of local cycle racks and the possibility to consult their accounts in real time. To facilitate its use, the site provides three-way access via the web portals of the mobile phone operators, SMS+ and the Internet.
  • Designed with the Apocope mobile marketing agency as a package of information and services dedicated to Vélib’, the Vélib’ mobile site achieves a number of objectives:

  • Promotes the services and enhance their innovative image,
  • Communicates with Parisians on the move,
  • Facilitates the use of the service and enhances the traffic fluidity at the cycle racks.

Content and services available from the Vélib’ mobile site

  • The site offers three services:
  • Search for a cycle rack: the user identifies his or her position to discover the status of the nearest cycle racks, i.e. the number of available bicycles and free spaces.
  • The search can also be carried out manually by entering the address or number of the cycle rack. A map with the position of the rack is also offered to facilitate access.
  • Subscribers’ access: once they have identified themselves, subscribers are automatically recognised and may consult their customer account. On subsequent visits, the site’s homepage is customised with their first name and the state of their Vélib’ account.
  • Everything worth knowing about Vélib’: practical information about how Vélib’ works, its prices and safety.

Practical details

  • Access to the mobile site:
  • 1 - Via mobile phone - service 30130: users send an SMS with the word "VELIB" to the abbreviated number 30130; they then receive a link, which automatically connects them to the mobile site.
  • 2 - Via mobile phone - Gallery kiosk: the GALLERY kiosk of mobile services can be accessed via the web portals of the mobile phone operators. Once on Gallery, users enter the name of the service “VELIB” into the search engine and then connect to the VELIB site.
  • 3 – Via the website users can type their mobile telephone numbers in a WebtoGallery box; they then receive an SMS with a link that automatically takes them to the Gallery mobile website.

Key figures

  • 2006 revenues: €1,946.4m; Q1 revenues: €473.1m
  • JCDecaux is listed on the Eurolist of Euronext Paris and is part of the Euronext 100 and FTSE4Good indexes
  • No.1 worldwide in street furniture (334,000 advertising panels)
  • No.1 worldwide in airport advertising with 141 airports and more than 300 transport contracts in metros, buses, trains and tramways (213,000 advertising panels)
  • No.1 in Europe for billboards (216,000 advertising panels)
  • No.1 in outdoor advertising in China (83,000 advertising panels in 21 cities)
  • No.1 worldwide for self-service bicycle hire
  • 763,000 advertising panels in 48 different countries
  • Present in 3,500 cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants
  • 8,100 employees


Communication Department :Albert Asséraf+33 1 30 79 37
Investor Relations :Rémi Grisard+33 1 30 79 79