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Paris, 3 July 2012 – JCDecaux SA (Euronext Paris: DEC), the world’s number one outdoor advertising company, announces that its self-service bicycle rental schemes have taken the top places in the ranking drawn up by the Automobile Club Association (ACA) and the European motoring and touring clubs. The organisations joined forces to assess 40 self-service bicycle rental schemes in major cities in 18 European countries from March to May 2012.

JCDecaux took the top 3 positions in the survey with its schemes in Lyons, Paris and Brussels, rated No.1, 2 and 3 respectively. The rental schemes were judged on four criteria: accessibility, information, ease of rental, and quality of the bicycles. Each was awarded one of five rankings, ranging from “very poor” to “very good.”

Vélo’v in Lyons came in 1st place with a “very good” rating; Vélib’ in Paris was awarded 2nd place with “good”, which was the same score given to Villo! in Brussels, which ranked No.3.

Building on 9 years of international experience, JCDecaux's 26 self-service bicycle rental schemes, 47,000 bicycles and 3,900 docking stations have been installed in 67 cities in 10 different countries in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. They have clocked up more than 246 million individual journeys since they first launched. As a pioneer in this individual form of public transport, JCDecaux has successfully updated and improved its self-service bicycle rental schemes to meet the expectations of their users and is achieving record levels of rental demand.

Jean-Charles Decaux, Chairman of the Executive Board and co-CEO of JCDecaux, said: “The first 3 places in this European ranking awarded to our self-service bicycle rental schemes in Lyons, Paris and Brussels underline the value of our products, and the quality of the service provided by our teams, the core values of our corporate culture. With 2 self- service bicycles rented every second around the world, this new means of individual public transport is enjoying global success, the result of the fantastic work carried out by our engineering and operating teams, and the growing recognition of our users. This ranking does not take into account the cost of the self-service bicycle schemes to the cities, a key fact that separates JCDecaux from its main competitors. Under JCDecaux’s business model, the investment and operating costs of the self-service bicycles are financed by advertising on street furniture”.


Communication Department :Albert Asséraf+33 1 30 79 37
Investor Relations :Rémi Grisard+33 1 30 79 79

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