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New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Urban Radar

Paris 2050: green towers to fight global warming

As part of a tender launched by the City of Paris about the future of its climate-energy plan, Belgian architect…

Urban Radar

Using digital to enhance local businesses

American Express and New York-based design agency Hush teamed-up to create an interactive installation allowing…

Urban Radar

Buses are actually kind of awesome!

Most New Yorkers systematically consider the bus as the slowest and most complicated transport option compared to the…

Urban Radar

Vibrating grips to let riders find their way around

Checking a smartphone to find a direction while riding is not especially easy nor safe, but Montreal-based company…

Urban Radar

The future of personal transportation?

Live from our colleagues at the CES!Israeli company Green Ride revealed this week at CES Las Vegas its electric,…

Urban Radar

Fancy a talk?

Willing to encourage social interactions and fight against isolation in public transportation, the Brazilian city of…

Urban Radar

An alternative to QR code using LED lights

Japanese high-tech giant Fujitsu just unveiled a technology based on LED lights that could offer an alternative to QR…

Urban Radar

New York's payphones to be turned into Wi-Fi kiosks

Following the “Reinvent Payphones Design Challenge” organized two years ago, the City of New York just launched a plan…

Urban Radar

A smart system able to identify the least-crowded subway cars

"Check Room" is a concept presented by South Korean designer Wan Ki Kim as part of the of the 2014 Spark Design Awards…

Urban Radar

When Madrid becomes a poetry book

Many big names in Spanish literature and poetry were born in Madrid.To show the appreciation and love that the…

Urban Radar

Public benches turned into pop-up cafes

Amsterdam-based BankjesCollectief ("Collective Benches") launched an original and innovative initiative on public space…

Urban Radar

Electrifying Los Angeles highways

An eco-friendly innovation is coming to Los Angeles. Diesel trucks coming from the port to downtown L.A., bringing in…