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New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Urban Radar

i Pavement : walking on innovation

Who said the future of geolocation will only be stored with Cloud Computing and Big Data warehouses?This seems to be…

Urban Radar

Public areas & design : beware, the Bushwaffles are coming

Urban furniture is not only linked to transportation or information. It can also be purely linked to entertainment…

Urban Radar

Stay connected. Even in a plane

Travelling by plane is sometimes scary and often boring, but maybe this will soon come to an end.Thanks to the…

Urban Radar

Google Drive : heading to the clouds

Google recently launched an on-line platform storage, where internet users can “share and collaborate in real time”…

Urban Radar

Collaborative spaces inside the city

It is called “Konzepp” and has settled in Hong Kong. Concept-store but also co-working space, this strange, yellow…

Urban Radar

Mickey is also working on our future

Disney labs research is working on the future of tactile technology.They launched a prototype of touch recognition…

Urban Radar

Another « anti-social media » application 

Avoiding the crowd is sometimes necessary, especially for shopping. This is the feature used by a new application …

Urban Radar

Glo Bar : a new way to think bike-life

To improve the ride of urban cyclists, Mitchell Silva, designer, has developed an innovative prototype.He imagined a…

Urban Radar

Eye-tracking devices will read your thoughts

In the movie Minority Report, all that deals with eye-tracking, personal data and privacy seem only science fiction…

Urban Radar

TweetVox: Sound & city are definitely a trendy topic

We already talked about « Clameurs », a mobile application that lets people record messages linked to their geographic…

Urban Radar

Just sit, relax, and take a rest

Improving the daily life of city-dwellers is an everyday challenge. Imagined by Formula-D, Ibali is an urban furniture…

Urban Radar

Mobilytrip, how to improve your holiday storytelling

MobilyTrip is an Android and iPhone application that helps people describe, organize and comment their holiday trips.It…