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New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Urban Radar

A new way to control your smartphone

A new technology called GestIC and developed by American company Microchip will allow users to control their smartphone…

Urban Radar

Controlling the streetlights with an iPad

London’s Westminster district plans to renew its lighting system in the next four years by replacing 14,000…

Urban Radar

32 bikes in a single car parking place

To solve the problems caused by the lack of parking spaces for bicycles in very dense cities, Korean industrial…

Urban Radar

A crowdsourced map of Berlin to simplify cyclists’ rides

The BMW Guggenheim Lab team has developed an interactive map of Berlin providing information about the city’s biking…

Urban Radar

Controlling a computer with your eyes

Japanese high-tech company Fujitsu has developed a prototype computer with an eye-tracking technology enabling hands…

Urban Radar

Turning people into Comics characters

New York based artist Nova Jiang has created an interactive digital installation called the “Ideogenetic Machine”, that…

Urban Radar

Booking a restaurant directly on Foursquare

An update of check-in service Foursquare enables users to make restaurant reservations directly with the mobile…

Urban Radar

Finding the closest cab with smart taxi ranks

Smart taxi ranks could be a way to solve the problems caused by the lack of cabs in Paris.A project was recently…

Urban Radar

Connected car under the spotlights at Paris Motor Show

Special attention has been paid to innovation during the last Paris Motor Show, in particular in the field of connected…

Urban Radar

A bold design for bicycle docking stations

Bicycle parking can stimulate the creativity of designers, as evidenced by the works of Swiss architect Rafael Schmidt…

Urban Radar

“Consumerization” and Hyper-connectivity will make a big impact in 2012

Gartner’s annual report on the Hype Cycle presents an overview of 1,900 technologies and trends in information security…

Urban Radar

Augmented reality technology extends towards the realm of sight

Presented at the Siggraph 2012 conference in Los Angeles (dedicated to Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques),…