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New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Facts & Figures

Global smartphone shipments surpassed PC shipments for the first time in 2011 (Canalys)

According to a Canalys recent release, smartphone shipments now surpass PC shipments (including tablets).Total global…

Facts & Figures

Mobile action codes in magazine are used to trigger 4 actions in the United-States (NellyMoser)

A recent study by NellyMoser analyzed the way publishers and advertisers use mobile action codes to launch print-to…

Facts & Figures

City dwellers now outnumber the rural population in China

The National Bureau of Statistics of China released in late January a paper about “China’s Total Population and…

Facts & Figures

Urban public transports on the rise in 5 European countries

According to the French Public Transport Union, from 2000 to 2010, the volume of passengers using urban public…

Facts & Figures

Dynamism in demographics in France and the UK is drawn by domestic population growth

According to an INSEE (national institute for statistics and economic studies) recent release, together with the UK,…

Facts & Figures

Japan invests 50 million euros in a smart community project in Lyon

A public agency of Japanese innovation, the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and…

Facts & Figures

Interactive kiosks will nearly double by 2016 (ABI Research)

According to global survey from ABI Research, the number of interactive kiosks in operation will rise from…

Facts & Figures

The boom of mobile shopping (InMobi, Comscore)

In France, the increase of smartphone owners (18,9 million) goes hand in hand with m-commerce (63.5% of the smartphone…