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New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Urban Radar

A public cloakroom for absent-minded night owls

The Northern Dutch city of Groningen is famous in Holland for its student nightlife and its numerous bars and clubs…

Urban Radar

Shazam to enable clothes identification on TV

With 250 million claimed users, music identification service Shazam has emerged as one of the most popular mobile…

Urban Radar

Guess where you are?

Hungarian development studio Nemesys created an addictive online game based on Google Street View called "Pursued".The…

Urban Radar

A digital library in the subway...

The "Underground Library" is a new example of the emerging "mobile-reading" phenomenon we already wrote about on…

Urban Radar

Microsoft to develop hand gesture recognition for the Kinect

Microsoft just unveiled several details about the next version of Kinect and announced that it will improve the…

Urban Radar

What future for New York's payphones?

In December 2012, the City of New York launched the "Reinvent Payphones Design Challenge" to imagine the future of its…

Urban Radar

iWatch, Google Glass... The battle of connected objects has only just begun

Rumors have intensified lately about the possible launch by Apple of a smart connected watch called the iWatch, even…

Urban Radar

Amex and Twitter take e-payment one step further

Since March 2012, Amex customers have the possibility to sync their account with Twitter and get special discounts by…

Urban Radar

Creativity and boldness for the Isuda bike share design competition

Singapore's bike-sharing operator Isuda recently launched a design competition in partnership with the Bicycledesign…

Urban Radar

Any Wikipedia articles nearby?

Wikipedia just added a "GeoData" extension to its mobile application, allowing contributors to attach geographical data…

Urban Radar

Google Glass project unfolds a little more

New details were unveiled in the past weeks concerning the Google Glasses. According to the latest information provided…

Urban Radar

A second chance for second hand items

There might be a treasure in your trash... at least for your neighbors! Amsterdam-based design agency Waarmakers…