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New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Facts & Figures

The emergence of a Twitter fad among the youth?

While a rising 16% of French youths aged 15 to 24 are on Twitter (ComScore), the American foundation Pew Center shows…

Facts & Figures

“Smart Cities and Communities” European Innovation Partnership supported by the European Commission

Launched in 2011, the budget of the Partnership has increased from 81 to 365 million euros in 2012.It supports the…

Facts & Figures

How Much Data is generated in a Minute?

With over 2.1 billion Internet users around the world, huge amounts of data are created, sent and searched every minute…

Facts & Figures

Digital channels redefine purchasing habits

Mediametrie and the FEVAD (the French federation of online and distance selling) have recently published the results of…

Facts & Figures

The 2012 Global Innovation Index, published by INSEAD for the second year running, confirms almost all top 10 leaders

The list of overall GII top 10 leaders has changed little from last year, Canada being the only country leaving the top…

Facts & Figures

Marketing Mobile & Internet in 2015

In 2015, Mobile advertising is said to represent more than USD 5 billion.This data is only one of many, such as Cisco’s…

Facts & Figures

Smart TV in France is flying off

In the first semester of 2012, smart connected TV, including catch-up and VOD has grown and over 10,7% of homes already…

Facts & Figures

Smartphones can still improve citizens’ lives

According to Ericsson labs, a great part of people living in urban areas are satisfied to live in cities.What makes the…

Facts & Figures

Our future mobile phone will have… two screens

It is not surprising that Microsoft is currently working on the future of Mobile phones. The surprise lays on what kind…

Facts & Figures

DOOH Advertising Revenue Grew 15% to $7 Billion in 2011

According to PQ Media, DOOH Advertising revenue grew 15,3% to 6.97$ billion in 2011.These revenues generated by place…

Facts & Figures

Consumers’ trust in advertising

Internet users seem to be more and more influenced by “earned media”, such as recommendations from friends and family…

Facts & Figures

Who exactly are the digital natives? PC lovers for sure

The “Digital Natives”, other qualification of youngsters born between 1985 and 1995, are a perfect target for IT…