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New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Facts & Figures

Mobile devices are becoming a major channel for media consumption

According to a survey on multi-screen viewing carried out by mobile advertising network InMobi, mobile devices have…

Facts & Figures

Social GPS Waze finally acquired by Google for $1.3 billion

Our previous focus "Mapping enters the digital era" mentioned the interest aroused by Waze, the Tel-Aviv-based startup…

Facts & Figures

European cities remain (by far) the best places for riders

Copenhagenize, a Danish consulting, communication and design agency that focuses on urban biking practice , recently…

Facts & Figures

Windows Phone overtakes Blackberry as third mobile OS

According to the latest figures on the smartphone market published by IDC (International Data Corporation), Windows…

Facts & Figures

Crowdfunding keeps on growing

The crowdfunding market reached an unprecedented level in 2012, according to a report published by Massolution. The…

Facts & Figures

Skype keeps on growing

Skype recently announced that its users overall spend more than two billion minutes a day communicating via its Voice…

Facts & Figures

The rise of the connected car

According to a report by Juniper Research, 20% of all consumer cars in Western Europe and North America will be…

Facts & Figures

40 years ago...

By a coincidence of history, April 3rd 1973 was a crucial date for two major technological innovations of the 20th…

Facts & Figures

German riders' heaven...

The powerful "Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club" (General German Bicycle Club) asked its 130,000 members to vote…

Facts & Figures

The most innovative Asian cities are...

Consulting firm Solidiance conducted a study to identify and rank the most innovative cities in the Asia-Pacific region…

Facts & Figures

Web traffic from tablets has become more important than from smartphones

According to a survey carried out by Adobe, tablets have surpassed smartphones as a source of traffic for websites. The…

Facts & Figures

The explosive growth of mobile data traffic

According to the latest Mobility Report published by telecommunications company Ericsson, global mobile data traffic…