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New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Outdoor is in

Karl Lagerfeld shops out of home (Paris, New-York, Berlin, Sydney, London)

To advertise the launch of Karl Lagerfeld’s new line called “KARL” on the website, the fashion…

Urban Radar

Billboard housing: when out of home meets home

To tackle high urban density issues, optimize urban city space and propose a new financial source from advertising,…

Urban Radar

In New York, a beating Saint Valentine's heart

For its Saint Valentine’s ephemeral exhibition (from the 6th to the 29th of February), Times Square Alliance asked…

Urban Radar

Self-powered information station

Matteo Straforini designed a self-sufficient and user-friendly information station.The station is equipped with a…


Crowd-funding invests urban territories

Crowd-funding or peer-to-peer lending is a new way to get financed by the multitude. Anyone can apply to defend a…

Facts & Figures

Worldwide airport traffic grew by 5 % in 2011 (ACI)

ACI - Airports Council International – released its air traffic results for December 2011 and the year over year period…

Facts & Figures

Global smartphone shipments surpassed PC shipments for the first time in 2011 (Canalys)

According to a Canalys recent release, smartphone shipments now surpass PC shipments (including tablets).Total global…

Facts & Figures

Mobile action codes in magazine are used to trigger 4 actions in the United-States (NellyMoser)

A recent study by NellyMoser analyzed the way publishers and advertisers use mobile action codes to launch print-to…

Urban Radar

London’s new smart bins come with 2 screens and Wi-Fi

To prepare the Olympics and offer its residents smarter recycling bins, the city of London installed 25 “Renew Bins”…

Outdoor is in

The Empire State Building on a Brazilian Beach

To inform Brazilians that the Lonely Planet Guides were now published in Portuguese, the brand occupied Brazilian…

Outdoor is in

A smart operation to raise money in Africa

To show that donations can make things change, the African AngelAssociation set up an interactive billboard. Passers-by…

Urban Radar

Get your transport information display on digital screen as you enjoy a steaming mug of coffee

To make people more aware about their transportation options and to invite them to diversify their mobility, Mobility…

Urban Radar

A driverless car by Google ?

The continuous work of Google aimed at developing new and autonomous mobility systems has finally paid off after more…

Urban Radar

BING : A green self-service bike sharing system

BING is a new bike sharing project in Denmark designed by Slaatto. The idea stems from the observation that 400,000…

Urban Radar

Take care of your dog while you shop

To prevent dogs from being stolen while their masters are shopping, which apparently is an increasing concern in the…


Further steps toward a transparent world, where city dwellers are invited to observe their environment

This week, we decided to highlight a global trend toward greater transparency. We’ve identified a strong movement that…

Facts & Figures

City dwellers now outnumber the rural population in China

The National Bureau of Statistics of China released in late January a paper about “China’s Total Population and…

Facts & Figures

Urban public transports on the rise in 5 European countries

According to the French Public Transport Union, from 2000 to 2010, the volume of passengers using urban public…

Facts & Figures

Dynamism in demographics in France and the UK is drawn by domestic population growth

According to an INSEE (national institute for statistics and economic studies) recent release, together with the UK,…

Outdoor is in

Take a big breath of fresh Alpine air … in London

To enhance its Alpine origin, advertise the purity of its water, and remind people to drink water even during winter,…

Outdoor is in

Knock, knock, knockin’ on wood in Paris

“Française des Jeux”, the company in charge of the National Lottery in France, took advantage of Friday, January 13th -…

Outdoor is in

Sipes paints cover everything, in Jordan

To show that Sipes paint, a quality painting brand in the Arab world, covers any surfaces, the brand used its paint to…

Outdoor is in

In the UK, QR codes can help fight poverty

To raise awareness and money to support homeless people, the “Simon On The Streets” homeless charity installed QR codes…

Outdoor is in

Dessert only for adults, in Chicago

For the launch of its new dessert, Jell-o Temptations organized a marketing operation to target adults exclusively.The…

Outdoor is in

AirBaltic welcomed passengers and elves for Christmas, Latvia

In Latvia, to wish their travelers a happy holiday season, Airbaltic Airlines projected an entertaining animation on…

Urban Radar

A new open source Paris metro map

Last October, Creads and CheckMyMetro launched a competition to design the new Paris metro map. All in all, more than…

Urban Radar

When screens become alive

Researchers from the University of San Diego created a synchronized electronic display composed of biopixels instead of…

Urban Radar

Spend good time when commuting

To entertain travelers while they commute, Jian Qian, an Asian designer, implemented a gaming platform into handles…

Urban Radar

A spiral and colorful lighting effect for cities

To decorate and enhance public spaces in an eco-friendly way, Russian industrial designer, Olesya Smirnova created…


Toward the creation of self-sufficient areas in the city

In cities nowadays , not only is there a growing demand for a patch of greenery (see Tendances Mobilités n°102), but…

Facts & Figures

Japan invests 50 million euros in a smart community project in Lyon

A public agency of Japanese innovation, the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and…

Facts & Figures

Interactive kiosks will nearly double by 2016 (ABI Research)

According to global survey from ABI Research, the number of interactive kiosks in operation will rise from…

Facts & Figures

The boom of mobile shopping (InMobi, Comscore)

In France, the increase of smartphone owners (18,9 million) goes hand in hand with m-commerce (63.5% of the smartphone…