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New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Facts & Figures

The rise of the Tablets : 2012 edition

Worldwide tablets sales are going to increase from 60 to 119 million in 2012 according to Gartner.Apple and its iPad…

Facts & Figures

Digital personalities: which one is yours?

New IBM study Beyond Digital, released during the 2012 NAB conference, shows the emergence of four distinct “digital…

Facts & Figures

Apple & Samsung : 2011 Mobile Industry stars

According to Canaccord Genuity analysis, Apple and Samsung together represented more than 95% of the mobile Industry…

Facts & Figures

Will the 21th century really be the end of PCs ?

The eternal couple Windows + PC might not last forever. This is what an IDC study explains.According to the data, the…

Facts & Figures

Governments want to help Big Data projects

“Big Data” is a general term used to describe the voluminous amount of unstructured and semi-structured data a company…

Facts & Figures

Mobile subscriptions keep on rising and total around 6 billion worldwide

According to Ericsson’s latest survey, global mobile subscriptions now reach 6 billion for 4.1 billion subscribers in…

Facts & Figures

Pinterest, a new social website, appeals to more than 13 million people in the world

Despite being invitation-only, the website launched in early 2010 has been growing at an amazing rate. Pinterest is an…

Facts & Figures

French people spend over 3h per month to surf the Internet on their mobile

According to Mediametrie’s latest survey in France, Internet users are rising by 6% compared to 2010, representing 40…

Facts & Figures

3 out of 4 US mobile consumers take action after seeing a location-based message (JiWire)

According to a report from JiWire about “mobile audience insights”, 75% of on-the-go US audiences react at a location…

Facts & Figures

The average European business traveler is a man who travels once or twice a month (Expedia)

Expedia released the European business traveler profile.The average business traveler is a man; he is aged between 31…

Facts & Figures

By 2016, 90% of global mobile devices will work under 3 operating systems (Forrester)

According to the new report from Forrester, “Mobile is the new face of engagement”, 9 of 10 mobile devices will work…

Facts & Figures

Worldwide airport traffic grew by 5 % in 2011 (ACI)

ACI - Airports Council International – released its air traffic results for December 2011 and the year over year period…